Friday, October 2, 2009

Archbishop A Glass Half-Full Kinda Guy

Archbish Anthonygonish Mancini:

This can be an opportunity for all of us to rediscover what it is to be the community of faith, to realize what the root of our faith really is, and how each of us helps to share the faith.

We are going through a very painful contemporary experience of the mystery of our Faith, which is all about Passion and Death yes, but it is also about the promise of Resurrection, without which we have no future. So I call on you to be hopeful because we believe in new life and new possibilities.


1 comment:

Graeme said...

I was hearing about how the Catholic Church (in the developed world, at least) actively recruits pedophiles. If a Catholic confesses to being sexually attracted to children he is directed towards the priesthood because, according to the Church, celibacy cures all problems.

Apparently this isn't such a problem in the developing world because men tend to go into the priesthood for socioeconomic reasons instead of pedophilic ones.